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[TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT]

2 plaatsers

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1[TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] Empty [TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] vr jan 23, 2009 8:55 pm



Ik heb het helaas in het engels gedaan

Credits to Jonteh for this amazing banner Very Happy
Hey there guys!!

Finally the release is here!
This is my 3rd version of BloodLine
Created with vb6

BloodLine Server v3!!!!!!
Download Here
Anyway,BloodLine Server was first made June 23rd 2008 by me and now Bloodline Server v2 has been made on July 19,2008 and now v3 is finally here and created on August 31,2008

Below you can find all the details you need for the BloodLine Server!!

Qucik Description:
The BloodLine Sever v3 is a server based on USA111 v9 Source Optimized by Moogly.
It is closed source and will remain that way, anyways the server has the obvious but I have to make a list so...

- Credits -
Splaze(Me) ( Developement & Creator of source)
Monsta ( some custom commands + v25 Funri)
Donkjam (help with my stupid questions)
Moogly (help with some buggs & questions)
MyChemicalSelf\Insane (help with bugs and questions)
DJ.Flames (getting me all the v18-v24 furni links)

>> Spectators Bar (100%)
>> Room Voting (???)
>> Trax Machine (79%)(Need The Correct Trax Page For Cata)
>> v18-v25 furni compatible (100%)
>> New Commands (100%)
>> Warps (98%)
>> Recommened Rooms (100%)(v15 or v17 DCRs)(Which ever has reccomended rooms cct i guess )
>> Teleport (0%)
>> Invisible (0%)
>> Infobus (0%)
>> Swimming + Diving (0%)
›› V13 Bugs fixed (80%)
›› Modify room fixed (100%)
›› Habbo Exchange (100%)
›› Public Rooms (100%)
›› Public Room bots (99%)
›› Bots fully editable (100%)
›› Delete Furni (100%)
›› Crocodile Pets (100%)
›› Swimming (?%)
›› Diving (?%)
›› Public room "Rooftop" works with both rooms (100%)
›› Console & CFH working for all (100%)
›› You walk th the door before you get out the room (100%)(Only if you click on the door)
›› Colored furni displayed in color in the hand too (100%)
›› Login/Register 'hangging' (100%)›› HC System 100%
›› HC Presents
›› HC Clothes only for HC's
›› HC Runs out
›› Tradebugs
›› Dancebug (NonHC's can dance too)
›› Trophy Names fully displayed
›› Full CFH Fix
›› Roller limit
›› Pet Limit
›› Furni ID Limit fix (on other server furni over 32.000 are not working, on this Server the id can be MUCH more than 100 Million, i think theres no limit
›› Doorbell fix
›› Roompass fix
›› Bobbafilter
›› Badword checking on register
›› Password min. 6 characters and a number
›› Head-Moving when someone talks
›› PostIt fix (you can append a postit if you doesnt have rights)
›› Console Search
›› Friendlist
›› Ask friend
›› Last online
›› Console mission
›› Register-Fix (female habbos are males on some servers after register)
›› Change Password
›› Change Email
›› No Runtime Errors
›› Full server Update (things like that: if you buy a present its sometimes not displayed on users hand)
›› Commands ever working
›› Bug-Figures where kicked automatically
›› ":whosonline" command (order by ip)
›› ":userdata habboname" command
›› ":voucher code amount" command
›› Locale system (you can translate the server in your language without the Source)
›› Categorys for Staffs
›› Badge scripting disabled
›› Whisper
›› MOD/Admin rank can enter any room
›› fuse_see_flat_ids right addet for admins
›› Staff catalogue
›› Edit Badword-List
›› Change Badword replacement
›› If you change a habbos rank to "moderator" he is renamed automatically to MOD-(name)
›› If you change a habbos rank from "moderator" to another he is automatically renamed to his old name
›› :givebadge NAME BADGE
›› :takebadge NAME BADGE
›› :deleteroom ID
›› 10 Room Categories
›› Waving fixed
›› You doesnt walk if you click on a solid furni
›› Splashscreen
›› If you/a admin deletes a room you can walk/pick up/move furni nevertheless in it (before the fix the room was frozen if you delete it)
›› Restore rooms in Settings-Window
›› New Dice System (All dices are working everytime, they with IDs highter than 40.000 too!)
›› CFH Fix (The alert "Already picked up by...") is working again
›› Whisper fix
›› You cant trade Pets
›› You cant trade Presents
›› Admins can kick mods but mods not admins, mods can kick gold but gold not mods (...)
›› Mods can only use :userdata (if its allowed for the rank) for users under their rank (not on admins) (...)
›› :commands - shows all speech-commands in a alert
›› :closeroom ID
›› :openroom ID
›› Socket problem fully fixed (before that it sometimes>often disconnects if you tried to login, it was a generally error in flex source)
›› Catalogue Spaces-Fix (Thx to Matt)
›› Other fixes/updates
›› Updates in Database\Settings Editor
›› Updated Releasecheck, 'This version is elapsed' shouldnt come up anymore
›› Addet Room-Categorie Roomlist to the "maxroomsinlist" - Limit
›› Messages (100%)
›› Staff console Messages from Server
›› Fixes @ Console: If you delete a User his messages to you wehre deleted automatically
›› VL64 Decoder fixed
›› Working connectioncheck
›› Register Message (console)
›› Report console Message (uses cfh)
›› Better connection checking (no d/c if youre afk)
›› Always actual Friendlist (Positions of the Users, offline/guestroom/hotelview)
›› It doesnt send a second CFH if a CFH is picked up, it updates the old one

-:drink command
- :cleanhand command
- :fix command (console)
- :details command
- :refresh command (clears all incoming packetdata)
- :petcommands command
- :debug command, admin's only
- :offline command
- :closeserver command
- :restartserver command
- :changepassword command
- :giverank command
- :changemission command
- :ha command (hotelalert)
- :userdata command (extended)
<> Newest Speech commands:
-:masskick command (kicks EVERYONE in the room)
-:welcomemessage command (Makes a new welcome message for the hotel)
-:port command (changes server port)
-:deleteuser command (deletes the user from the database)
-:warp (warps users)
-:position (shows your postion in a room
-:pass (d/c you)
-:start (send you to hotel view)
-:update (update user ID)
-:poof (use after :update)
-:stafflist (shows hotel staff) (admins only)
-:pwns name (pwns the user) (admins only)

- Loader(v19-v24 furni) -
<title>Splaze's ~ BloodLine Server ~ Loader</title>
<base target="_blank">
<body bgcolor="#000000" topmargin="0" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF">
<div align=center>
<param name="src" value="">
<param name="swRemote" value="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Spits' swContextMenu='true' ">
<param name="swStretchStyle" value="none">
<param name="swText" value="">
<param name="bgColor" value="#000000">
<param name="sw6" value="external.texts.txt=">
<param name="sw2" value=" IP HERE; PORT HERE>
<param name="sw4" value=";connection.mus.port=30 001">
<param name="sw3" value="client.reload.url=">
<param name="sw1" value="site.url=;url.prefix=">
<param name="sw5" value="external.variables.txt=">
<embed src="" bgColor="#000000" width="720" height="540" align="middle" swRemote="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='massivewake' swContextMenu='true'" swStretchStyle="none" swText="" type="application/x-director" pluginspage=""
sw4=";connection.mus.port=3000 1"
- Screenies -
GUI ( has only 6 images )

Veel succes!!
En veel plezier met je eigen Bloodline V3

2[TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] Empty [TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] vr jan 23, 2009 9:01 pm



Het werkt echt! ExclamationArrow Arrow Exclamation Arrow Arrow Exclamation Arrow Arrow Exclamation Arrow Arrow Exclamation Arrow Arrow ExclamationArrow Arrow Exclamation

3[TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] Empty Re: [TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] vr jan 23, 2009 11:31 pm


RetroZonne Eigenaar
RetroZonne Eigenaar

nou nice Server maar er is ook een site voor Servers en daar staad ie ook zelfs 3.5 ofz maarja Razz hier kenje ook kijke Very Happy

4[TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] Empty Re: [TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] zo feb 01, 2009 1:15 pm


gewoon lid
gewoon lid

Of hier kijken : cheers

5[TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] Empty Re: [TUT]Bloodline V3 By splaze[TUT] zo feb 01, 2009 1:16 pm


gewoon lid
gewoon lid

Oja.... daar staat ook v3 SE Razz

Gesponsorde inhoud

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